Papier d’Arménie 是来自法国的百年香氛品牌。19世纪, 一切源于一次改变香史的美丽邂逅:Auguste 在一次偶然的旅行中,发现亚美尼亚地区人燃烧安息香以达到熏香、凝神、消杀的效果。他决定将该产品进口到法国。回国后,他便与他的药剂师朋友研究出将安息香融解于 90% 的酒精中,再浸泡纸片使其吸收的制法,创造出了使用纸片燃烧熏香的产品。Papier d’Arménie 被法国政府授予了“生活遗产公司”与“百年家族企业”的称号和标签。

Papier d’Armenie is a French fragrance paper brand with over 100 years of history. It all started with a wonderful chance encounter that changed the history of incense. Ausguste Ponsot, whilst on a trip to Armenia, discovered that the locals burn benzoin for meditation and disinfecting purposes. Realising the potential, he immediately began importing benzoin to France. He and his physicist friend developed a method for melting the benzoin in alcohol and absorbing this mixture into paper, creating a product famous throughout the world and winning the coveted “Living Heritage Company” and Century-old Family Business” awards from the French Government