HIBI作为新型的线香,创立于2015年春季。这根小小的香棒在时间的流逝中如一个温柔的标点符号,让享受香味的精神永远都在口袋里。每天 10分钟,通过划擦火柴来点亮嗅觉,将自己委托给空气中萦绕的天然香气。手掌大小的包装盒,是投入诸多情感和心力,历经三年半之久研发而成。轻轻地取出一根 hibi 火柴,将其点燃,随着带着香气的烟雾缭绕中,让我们一起来探索这个品牌背后美好的故事。

Hibi was founded in 2015. A collaboration between 2 old friends, the resulting small stick is like a gentle punctuation mark in the passage of time. For 10 minutes each day, light up the incense and relax as you entrust your well-being to the aroma in the air. Taking 3 years to develop, with much passion to create the ultimate experience, the palm-sized box fits perfectly into your life. No matter where you are, you can enjoy this fragrance journey.