Fer à Cheval是成立于1856年的法国专业制皂品牌,拥有法国马赛现存古老的肥皂厂之一。品牌标志性的马蹄铁logo上是7颗钉子,代表传承了一百多年的幸运。繁复的工业化添加令人纷扰,为何不学着做减法回归本源,追寻被“小幸运”眷顾的安心生活。正如品牌的简单法式生活态度,不繁复,无添加。原料天然,高效洁净,为宝宝和孕妇打造清洁安全的生活空间,减去重工生活、焦虑情绪的纷扰。
Fer à Cheval is an expert soap maker, founded in 1856 they still work from one of the oldest soap factories in Marseille, France. Their iconic horseshoe logo features seven nails to represent the good luck that has been passed on for more than 150 years.Complicated production processes and recipes are redundant, Fer à Cheval follows the simple French attitude to life with no complexity, no additions. The raw ingredients used are 100% natural, efficient, clean and bacteriostatic, allowing for products which can be used to create a clean and safe living space, ideally suited for babies and the pregnant, through eliminating the anxieties of the influence of heavy industry on life.