Locherber Milano2010年成立于米兰——汇集了建筑、艺术、文学瑰宝的世界时尚之都,始终秉承独特的意大利–瑞士传统,从米兰历史悠久的时尚风格中汲取精华,传递“意大利制造”品牌“个性、 奢华、真诚”的理念,以精湛的意大利手工技术和工艺,打造兼具时尚度和高级感的高定艺术美学之作。
Founded in 2010 in Milan, Locherber Milano is committed to their unique Italian-Swiss family traditions. Drawing on the essence of Milan as the fashion capital of the world as inspiration to create products which are bothcutting-edge lifestyle fashion pieces and simultaneously, art pieces in their own right, Locherber Milano’s vision is to give people a luxury fragrance experience which enhances their lifestyle on the aesthetic as well as the olfactory levels.