LOGEVY品牌诞生于意大利佛罗伦萨,以文艺复兴为香气起源,打造翡冷翠之水。调香与制香技术传承自16世纪的美第奇家族,托斯卡纳植物原料的精华得以被完整保留,以佛罗伦萨的艺术和浪漫为灵感,香水大师Stefano Cintelli在这个香气之都打造了LOGEVY,并用毕生的专业和香气洞察创造出极具优雅品质的香气作品,将我们的灵魂带入一场完美的嗅觉之旅。
LOGEVY is a fragrance brand from Florence, Italy. The techniques of flavouring and perfumery have been inherited from the Medici family during the Renaissance, which has preserved the essence of the Tuscan botanicals. Master perfumer Stefano Cintelli created this fragrance inspired by the art and romance of Florence, bringing us an olfactory journey to Italy.